Book & Trace       Skills        Certificates

Automate your skill development
with Youandx

Youandx gives you an updated overview of employees' skills and the gaps that need to be closed to support your strategy - completely automatically.

By automating the administration of skills, you save manual entries and ensure a clear and updated picture of both the organization's and the individual employee's skills.

Tilmeld kursus
Kompetence tilskrivers automatisk
Skill match

Knowledge all the way

The difference between Youandx and other skill management solutions is that access to new knowledge is fully integrated into the Youandx Book & Trace platform. Youandx thus covers the entire process from booking a course to updating a skill profile.
In this way, we can digitize and automate all the heavy, manual processes that today stand in the way of organizations using and developing employees' skills optimally.
  1. You set up skill goals and plans for the employee.

  2. The employee signs up for a course directly in Youandx.


    After completing the course, the new skill is automatically attributed, so that the employee's skill profile and gap are updated.

  4. The employee is automatically shown the next relevant course/course in relation to their own development plan.

  5. And all over again...

Create ownership of your own skill development

With Youandx, each employee can have their own career page, which provides an overview of goals and progress.
In addition to creating ownership for your own learning, you save administrative resources on calendar requests, reminders, distribution of course guides, etc. The whole process is automated.
  • Employee profile with skill profile and goals.

  • Overview of own learning activities and information about the next planned event.

  • Insight into own career development


As an experienced user of HR, competence, and talent development systems, is clearly in the preferred category

Kristina Lang Pedersen, L&D Manager, Inspari
1512x982 Bookings (admin)

Easily offer both internal and external courses

You control which knowledge providers and knowledge offers managers and employees should have access to through Youandx.
In addition to the market's most extensive range of courses and experts, you have the opportunity to create your own internal courses or academies that employees can be offered.
  • Create internal courses and add them to the platform.

  • Tailor courses and enroll employees, e.g. on onboarding courses.

  • Set up an optional approval flow for course participation.

Overview and control of consumption

When you book courses, courses and workshops through Youandx, you have all information gathered in one place, and thus you quickly get a comprehensive overview of the entire organization's purchase of education.
At the same time, you are in full control, as you have the opportunity to define which knowledge providers and courses the individual users should have the opportunity to sign up for.
  • Simpler course management - one PO that covers it all.

  • Central overview of ECTS credits, lessons, hours, etc.

  • Insight into procurement by department.

  • Allocate an education budget and simplify administration.

1512x982 Bookings _ My Bookings

I am very impressed with the platform, and it usually takes a lot to impress me.

Marianne Fæster Nielsen, Chief Human Ressource Manager, Coromatic

Secure data in a GDPR-compliant platform

Data security and correct processing of personal data is an integral part of Youandx, and the platform helps you comply with applicable legislation.
  • Get data out of Excel and into a GDPR-compliant platform.

  • Login and user management provide control over who can access data.

  • High standards of data security and backup.


More than



Courses and talks

More than


Course and learning dates


More than


Experts and speakers


Maybritt Toft Bisp
CEO & Founder
+45 20 12 04 49
Kim Pawrup
+45 28 11 13 36


Overview of the knowledge you have.
Access to the knowledge you need.
Youandx systematizes companies' competencies and automatically connects employees' needs for training with the right courses, educations, and experts